Saturday, February 2, 2019

About me

My name is Athena Anderson I am 30 years young. I want to do a blog to help me think, clear my head, and record the awesome stuff and people in my life! I have been lucky and this year is poised to be especially awesome as I am separating from the military after 6 years and beginning a new life.  My husband and I are doing this by driving across the country from sea to shining sea!  In a tent!  It is terrifying and amazing and I think people would want to read about it and follow my journey.

There will also be product reviews and recommendations because I excel at finding ways to make life better, crazy ideas that I feel need to be shared, and other fitting posts with the intent of making someone's life more awesome.

So SPREAD THE AWESOME!  Share, like, and give me feedback to grow the awesome!